CCS Pricing
*Starting from $20!
Please note: rates listed below do not include cost of parts, software or licenses.
Hourly Service Rates are tracked in 15 minute increments
15 Minute
Remote Access Minimum
- Remote Access Support**
- Please note: rates listed here do not include cost of parts, software or licenses.
30 Minute
Onsite Minimum
- Onsite or Offsite Support (½ hr. $40 minimum per incident)
- Within 15 Miles
- Please note: rates listed here do not include cost of parts, software or licenses.
1 Hour
Base Service Rate
- Onsite or Offsite Support (½ hr. $40 minimum per incident)
- Beyond 15 Miles $95 hr.
- Please note: rates listed here do not include cost of parts, software or licenses.
After 4 Hours
Per Project*
- Onsite or Offsite Support (½ hr. $40 minimum per incident)
- Please note: rates listed here do not include cost of parts, software or licenses.
- Remote Access Support** $60 hr.
* All services require either a $20 (¼ hr. minimum) for remote access work; or $40.00 (½ hr. minimum) per on-site visit or incident.
** Remote Access support refers to CCS accessing and performing service from a remote computer. Requires customer to install remote access software.